Easy to Use BMI Calculator
Easy to Use
BMI Calculator
Use our BMI calculator to find out your Body Mass Index (BMI). This simple tool helps you understand your BMI category and its role in maintaining a healthy weight. Knowing your BMI can guide your decisions on fitness, health, and plastic surgery.

How to Calculate BMI
Calculating your BMI can be done using this formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height² (m²). Alternatively, use our easy BMI calculator for men and women to quickly determine your BMI scale. This calculation can help you understand where you fall in the BMI categories—whether underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
Your BMI:

Healthy BMI’s Accepted by Our Doctors
FAQ’s of Body Mass Index
What is the BMI formula?
The BMI formula is weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. For adults, this gives an indication of body fat. However, BMI vs body fat varies as BMI doesn’t account for muscle mass.
How does BMI affect plastic surgery eligibility?
Many plastic surgeons use the BMI scale to determine a patient’s eligibility for certain procedures. Ideal BMI varies by procedure and surgeon, but typically ranges between 35-39 for cosmetic procedures.
Is BMI different for adults and children?
Yes, BMI for adults is calculated differently than BMI for children. BMI interpretation for children takes into account age and gender-specific percentiles.
Can BMI be used for weight loss goals?
A healthy BMI is generally considered to be between 18.5 and 24.9. This can vary by individual health, so always consult a healthcare professional for personal recommendations.
What is a healthy BMI?
Every surgery carries some risk like infections. However, these risks are minimized when procedures are performed by qualified, experienced surgeons in accredited facilities.
What is the difference between BMI and body fat percentage?
While BMI provides a general estimate of body fat based on height and weight, body fat percentage is a more accurate measure as it distinguishes between fat mass and lean mass.